Bible Verse: “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation’.” Mark 16:15, NIV

Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20

Do you remember the moment you made a personal decision to give your life to Christ?

Maybe you were in Sunday School, or at a camp. Or perhaps it was at a recent Promise Keepers Canada/Impactus event. God and his love for you were revealed in a new way like never before. If you look back at your journey, which led you to that moment, it seemed like you could hear and see God as clear as ever because you saw the power of the Good News and heard about the Gospel in a way where it truly spoke to you.

Jesus commands us not to just hold into this good news for ourselves, but to live out the Great Commission by sharing Jesus with the people around us. Whether it’s with a family member, a friend or a co-worker – the impact we can make in other people’s lives when we choose to share the gospel is life-changing. When we choose to participate in God’s plan, I’m not sure if there’s anything that reveals God to us more than leading someone to Christ.

Could God be revealing himself to you and through you, as you set your eyes on this mission field around us? As you read this, maybe there’s the name of someone he’s putting on your heart to share Jesus with – or at the very least, maybe someone you can direct to Promise Keepers Canada/Impactus devotions which will help reveal Christ to them.

Whoever that person is in your life, I encourage you to reach out to that person who comes to mind today. Play your part in revealing God’s love, mercy, and grace to them. And in return, my hope is that you can see Christ revealing his power to you as he works through you.

Mike Gordon
Youth for Christ Canada

©2025 The Rock House Ministries